
Top Page > Other parts of the Tama Region

Other parts of the Tama Region

Other parts of the Tama Region Other parts of the Tama Region

The Tama area, located on the west side of Tokyo, is so vast that it occupies about half of the entire area of Tokyo. Musashino City, where Kichijoji is located, Hachioji City, where Mt. Takao is located, and Okutama Town, which is located at the west end of Tokyo and is rich in nature, are known as popular tourist destinations of the Tama area. The area, consisting of 26 cities, 3 towns, and 1 village, has many other attractive spots. One of the spots is Sanrio Puroland, a theme park in Tama City to meet Hello Kitty and other Sanrio characters. It is an area with a lot of nature, so there are many places to relax.

Tourist spots in the surrounding area

Tourist Information Desk in the surrounding area

About the service icon
About the service icon


  • Wi-Fi spot
  • PC use
  • Wi-Fi rental
  • SIM card available
  • Arrangement of various tickets
  • Arrangement of trips/accommodations
  • Souvenir sales
  • Baggage deposit/delivery
  • Cultural experience workshop/tours
  • ATM
  • Money exchange
  • Power source available
  • Accessible facility for disabled people
  • WC
  • Nursing room
  • Prayer room
  • Smoking room
  • Open
Exterior view of FOREST INN SHOWAKAN
Akishima City
  • Wi-Fi spot
  • Baggage deposit/delivery
  • Cultural experience workshop/tours
  • Money exchange
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